Dhaka March 15, 2025, 5:11 am
The election for reserved women seats will be held on March 4.
“Now there have been disputes among Tabligh Jamaat followers all over the world. Our country is not apart from that. We want Tabligh Jamaat followers remain together like they did earlier and Ijtema of this year will be held
Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud today paid glowing tributes to Suranjit Sengupta, one of the country’s veteran parliamentarians, and recalled his outstanding contribution to non communal politics.
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed today between Religious Affairs Ministry and Local Government Division (LGD) to construct 162 model mosques on the land of upazila parishads under a project to build 560 mosques
Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni said the ministry is looking into the allegations regarding the distribution of wrong question papers on the first day of the ongoing SSC and equivalent examinations.
The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations-2019 under ten education boards will begin on Saturday (Jan 2), reports state news agency BSS.
Awami League lawmaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury has been elected as the Speaker for the 11th Parliament for the third time.
Awami League lawmaker for Madaripur-1, Noor-E-Alam Chowdhury Liton has been appointed as the chief whip in Parliament.
Bangladesh has ranked 97th in the updated Henley Passport Index, gaining three notches up from its previous ranking.
Transport specialists have suggested controlling bus routes through authority to bring back discipline in public sector transport and ease traffic jams in Dhaka.
Jatiya Party (JP) has decided to act as the main opposition party in the 11th parliament.
The individual taxpayers could submit their income tax returns till December 2 as the last date of submission, November 30, is a weekly holiday.
Japan has assured that it would continue support to Bangladesh for further accelerating the country’s development activities aimed to realize the dream of ‘Sonar Bangla.’
Mr. Mohammad Ismail; Chairman of the Bangladesh Krishi Bank awarded 3 years extension from the government due to his satisfactory performance
On the eve of the International Rural Women Day (15th October), experts today urged to ensure equal rights for women in family income and decision-making process.
The helicopter crashed into the land due to inclement weather caused by Cyclone Titli. However, members of the team are now returning to Dhaka by a flight of Novoair
A group of fisher and farmer organization demanded a monthly allowance of 8,000 Tkper month for each fisher family as compensation during the fishing ban period
The 20-year-life-span Engreen Sarishabari Solar Plant set up by Concord Progoti Consortium Ltd (CPCL), which installed 11,600 solar panels on eight acres of land of the division, started generating power for 12 hours from sun
Md. Anwar Hossain; Chairman and Md. Ariful Islam; Managing Director of Trip ICON Holidays Ltd received the award from Mr. Jose E. Prieto; President and CEO of Business Initiative Directions
A parliamentary body has suggested the government only to reserve the 1 percent quota in public service sector for the people with disabilities.