Dhaka March 13, 2025, 7:03 pm
The US citizen and third gender Maksudur Rahman Khan alias Megna Diana was killed by his domestic help aiming to cut off sexual relation
The accused misused the power of mutual agreement and provided the loan of Tk 10 crore in addition to the earlier loan of Tk 14 crore despite knowing that the value of the forced sale of the mortgaged property is lower than t
বিশব্যাপী মানবাধিকার সংস্থা ও মানবিক বাজার নামে একটি সেবামূলক সংস্থা বাংলাদেশে বিভিন্ন প্রান্ত থেকে সহজ সরল মানুষের নিকট থেকে অনুদানের নামে লাখ লাখ টাকা হাতিয়ে নিচ্ছে।
The engineer also concealed information of his immovable assets worth Tk 15.88 lakh in his wealth statement submitted to the commission
সড়ক ও জনপথ অধিদপ্তরের নির্বাহী প্রকৌশলী শামীমুল হকের বিরুদ্ধে রয়েছে ব্যাপক দূর্নীতির অভিযোগ। দূর্নীতির পুরষ্কার হিসেবে পটুয়াখালীর ফেরি বিভাগ থেকে বদলি হয়ে এসেছেন সওজের ঢাকা অফিসের
Police claimed to have arrested Abu Taher, a manpower trader and owner of Amir International in Dhaka, for withdrawing the money wrongly went to his company’s account
The arrested persons are identified as Md Alaluddin, 27, and Md Shahjalal, 42
ঢাকা কাস্টমস হাউজ অবৈধ টাকা উপার্জনের খনি? তা না হলে একজন অফিস সুপারের মত কর্মচারী কিভাবে কোটি কোটি টাকার সম্পদের মালিক হন
The diesel was recovered from a pickup from under Fatehpur railway overpass near Dhaka-Chattogram highway
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed the case against 17 people on charge of embezzling Tk 1.76 billion through fake work orders and illegal bank guarantees
Steps would be taken against her as per the law if the allegation brought against her was found to be true after the investigation
The court directed Supreme Court lawyer Yusuf Ali to submit a clear report about the fees with an affidavit on Thursday
Two Kolkata-based business organisations are involved in the money laundering of Partha. One of the organisations operates through RMG while the other does this through the education business
Hasib Ahmed, son of candidate MA Hakim Ahmed, and his associates were arrested with an unauthorised pistol, seven gears knife, 100 grams of hemp, three Chinese axe and two steel-made sticks from the old bridge on Kumar River
Rashedur Rahman, an assistant revenue officer, filed the complaint with Chattogram EPZ Police Station on Jul 24
BGB Battalion-2 conducted a drive on the banks of the River Naf River near Hnila BOP of the upazila and detained Riaz Uddin, 20, and Saddam Hossain, 19
Md Mahbub Hossain, Secretary of the ACC, confirmed the development to the reporters on Thursday
The court also instructed the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to confiscate all the assets owned by the couple
He was allegedly involved in the DSHE recruitment exam for the post of "office assistant/computer operator"
All the convicts were handed 17-year prison terms