Dhaka March 19, 2025, 4:17 am
A global dispute settlement body has made Canadian oil firm Niko liable for two consecutive gas field blowouts at Tengratila in northeastern Chhatak gas field in 2005.
Bangladesh received remittance worth $945 million in the first 29 days of April, compared to $1.43 billion in the same month last year
With this grant, the EU recognises and supports the government’s commitment to the eradication of poverty and extreme inequalities, and its commitment to achieve SDGs
The Netherlands has assured Bangladesh that the Dutch buyers will not cancel or suspend their orders from the Bangladeshi readymade garment (RMG) factories.
All field-level value-added tax (VAT) offices will work on a limited scale during public holidays until May 05 to keep the revenue collection process uninterrupted.
The country's foreign exchange (forex) reserve reached at US$33 billion-
Saudi Arabia’s central bank foreign reserves fell in March at their fastest rate in at least 20 years
High Street fashion emporiums around the world have closed their doors for lockdowns, but the largely forgotten victims are thousands of miles from the glass and steel-fronted shopping arcades.
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal has advised the banking sector leaders to keep non-performing loan (NPL) at a tolerable level as the economic recovery after COVID-19 pandemic would be challenging.
This new framework sets the way UN entities will deliver this vision on the ground, it said. 'Decisions made in the next few months will be crucial for the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)'
LIKE the rest of the world, developed and developing alike, Bangladesh is struggling to cope with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Planning Commission is working on framing the Annual Development Programmer, or ADP,
The economic downturn due to COVID-19 has severely affected the country's internal revenue collection that posted 2.73-per cent negative growth in March 2020.
Continuation of the current economic stagnation during the government-declared shutdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus will result in a grim economic outlook for Bangladesh, economists warn.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s private sector adviser Salman F Rahman on Saturday said the country’s export-oriented factories must be reopened slowly by maintaining necessary health protocol to save the economy.
The first one month of the ongoing lockdown that ends today (Sunday) has already affected the country's economy seriously.
Out of Tk 11.27 billion project cost, $100 million or nearly Tk 850 crore will come from the World Bank credit and the rest from the government exchequer
Jica is willing to give the loan gradually over some fiscal years
A segment of export-oriented readymade garment factories will reopen on Sunday in a limited capacity with a minimum number of workers, especially those who are living in the adjacent areas.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak will likely send the Philippine economy into its first annual contraction in more than two decades this year,