Dhaka March 18, 2025, 1:57 pm
There is no uncertainty regarding Brac's future because he provided guidelines for the future of the organisation
BB to sit with banks to achieve target
Experts blame scams, rising NPLs for poor performance
After the 2013 Rana Plaza incident, the RMG industry had to invest a large amount of money to implement the safety measures in line with the prescriptions of the Western retailers
'Asia-Pacific's trade shrinking in line with global trend'
The demand for dollar decreased slightly following a higher inflow of remittance and lower import payment obligations recently
export values of 13 out of the top 20 items have declined this year, while prices of nine out of the top 20 items have also dropped
The poverty rate declined to 20.5 percent in the country at the end of 2018-19 fiscal year from 21.8 percent in the previous financial year, according to the latest data of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (Ecnec) on Tuesday cleared nine projects involving Tk 3,227 crore.
Permanent Representative (PR) of Bangladesh to the UN Ambassador Rabab Fatima has urged the expatriate Bangladeshi citizens to contribute through knowledge remittance, share their experiences and invest more for the developme
Incapacity of firm, lack of admin reform blamed
It will be a sort of guideline for carrying out oil and gas exploration in a planned way
IOCs to do the job under RSC or JV
Committee submits report to BB governor
The last date for using the mandatory VAT software by the businesses having annual turnover over Tk 50 million already expired on September 1, 2019
Almost every project has the same story of irregularities and anomalous costs
Bangladesh and the Czech Republic entered into a double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) on Wednesday with an eye to enhancing bilateral cooperation and boosting investment
US delegation led by Steve Rose said "Cox's Bazar beaches and sea fish can be used more. We want Cox's Bazar products to be known and exported under the 'Made in Cox's Bazar' brand,"
Ecnec approved a revised cost of Tk21,399 crore, a 57.23 percent increase than the original proposal of Tk13,610 crore
Iran has expressed its interest to open direct and regular sea connectivity with Bangladesh for increasing bilateral trade subject to economic feasibility