Dhaka March 20, 2025, 5:16 pm
BB had approved Tk 99.46 billion worth of loans for the small entrepreneurs from the Tk 200 billion stimulus package for them until Nov 30, but the banks disbursed Tk 82.18 billion
The World Economic Forum will convene the Special Annual Meeting 2021 in Singapore from 13-16 May. It will return to Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, for the Annual Meeting 2022
Covid-19 temporarily shuttered ship-breaking yards in Bangladesh, one of the world's main destinations for end-of-life vessels, delaying safety reforms ahead of a 2023 deadline
The think-tank put stress on the need for establishing online VAT registration and filing system, digitalising the VAT process and getting more companies into the system
The project will identify three additional microenterprise products for expansion and support microenterprise cluster development
The PIFIC, a cluster-based facility will be distributed to address infrastructure-related setbacks in export-oriented leather and leather goods, footwear, plastics, and light engineering sectors
The approval came from the weekly Ecnec meeting held on Tuesday at the NEC conference room
Experts, stakeholders seek biogas tech promotion unit
The proposed expansion will soar the capacity of the nuclear power plant to 4800MW
Rooppur NPP is being designed and built as per a Russian project. The design and construction of the facility is carried out by the Engineering Division of the Rosatom State Corporation
Bangladesh's foreign exchange reserve rose to $41.21 billion on Tuesday from $41.17 billion the previous working day
The huge sum is blocked, as importers prefer to go for litigation once they feel that the customs officials concerned are doing injustice with them
The tax officials will have to examine the code in all the audited financial statements of corporate tax returns to check production of fake audit reports
Terms and conditions of the SUW loan are harder than that of the WB's concessional lending window - the International Development Association (IDA)
“Our debt ratio with China is around 6.5 percent of India is 1.3 percent GDP. So, the apprehension of felling into the debt trap is not based on fact,” Foreign Minister Dr AK Momen explained
An amount of Tk392.33 crore will be provided by the government as project cost while the implementing agency BSCCL will pay the remaining Tk300.83 crore on its own
Country’s power generation has achieved unprecedented development and the sector is now four times bigger than it was in last eleven years
if Bangladesh will implement the blue economy appropriately then it will be huge scopes will be in place for the coastal communities
The allocation will be made in addition to contract signed between Bangladesh and Russia
Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the power and energy sector has created an enormous space out of our imagination. We need more skilled manpower to deal this sector