Dhaka March 20, 2025, 5:12 pm
The number of expatriates who returned to workplaces during the period is 26 percent higher than the same period of last year
The revenue collection authority has formed as many as 120 teams to bring in new eligible taxpayers under the tax net across the country
The decision was taken at a tripartite portfolio review meeting (TPRM) co-chaired by Fatima Yasmin, Secretary of the Economic Relations Division (ERD), and Manmohan Parkash, the Country Director of ADB
The prize for economics is officially known as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences
According to the concerned sources of Bangladesh Bank, some industrial entrepreneurs have been accused of not using the loan for the purpose for which it is disbursed. Many entrepreneurs are repaying old loans with stimulus f
Several internal investigations have detected the irregularities, but taxmen involved often go unpunished
The new law is likely to get nod in parliament in the next session, replacing the existing law framed in 1969
The forex reserve rose to $40.10 billion on the day, setting a new record, from $39.80 billion of the previous working day
NBR introduced automated challan system to facilitate deposition of some 196 types of revenues and fees to national exchequer
Bangladesh's GDP growth is estimated to be two percent in the 2019-20 fiscal
'The picture today is less dire… allowing for a small upward revision to our global forecast for 2020'
Manual submission needed as deadline ends on Nov 30
Under the policy supports, importers are allowed to enjoy different benefits relating to advance payment, import of raw materials, chemical fertiliser and life-saving drugs until March 31, 2021 instead of September 30, 2020
Total MFS transactions came down to Tk 414.04 billion in August 2020 from Tk 629.99 billion in the previous month
Analysts tell dialogue
The current account balance, a measure of the nation's trade and financial flows with other countries, rose to US$ 3.3 billion at the end of August, 2020
Closing borders is not the solution to the pandemic for developing countries as borders are crossed informally. So, more inclusive policy is needed
The country’s forex reserves stood at $38.85 billion at the end of August
Taxmen will visit households, shops, business outlets, service providing entities and other potential sources of new taxpayers in door-to-door survey
Export earnings from leather and leather goods decreased by 16.54 percent to $154.74 million in July-August of FY-2021 from $185.41 million in the same period of FY-2020