Dhaka March 20, 2025, 1:49 am
Investment climate has improved a lot compared to the last decade and the agency is planning for more to enhance the country's competitiveness
The country’s reserve increased due mainly to the collapse in imports amid the coronavirus pandemic
The NBR and Finance Division will jointly implement the system to thwart tax evasion and ensure timely payment of taxes to the public exchequer
First such loan deal likely next week
Lifting 90m out of poverty may take 10 yrs, says PRI economist
Yet, Bangladesh suffers negative growth first time since independence
It favours India's use of Ctg, Mongla ports after system upgrade
Tourism industry in Bangladesh, like other countries in the world, has been hit hard by the Covid-19 Pandemic, with its international hotel sector, a vital organ of the tourism industry, suffering the most
In the year, the borrowing stood at a record of Tk722.46 billion from the banking system, which was 109 percent higher than Tk345.87 bank loans that the government took in FY’19
Power division has been working on uninterrupted, reliable and quality power at reasonable and affordable prices, with emphasis on efficiency and transparency
Since fiscal year (FY) 2011-12, the RHD has been receiving higher allocation each fiscal year, compared to the previous fiscal, which helped it improve the road network gradually
No problem was found for paying VAT through using this system. Now all commercial banks will be brought under this system
The disbursement growth is 11 percent
Among the eight projects, six are fresh ones and the rest two are revised schemes
Authorised capital of the JVC is Tk 10 billion, while its paid-up capital is Tk 160 million
Higher external assistance necessary to overcome pandemic-driven crisis
Ambassador of France to Bangladesh Jean-Marin SCHUH on Monday made the disclosure in a message on the eve of the French National Day to be celebrated today (Tuesday)
The publication usually covers data relating to the country's economic activities
The Speedy power supply act was enacted in 2010 for two years. The law was first extended by two years until 2014 and by four years until 2018. In 2018, the tenure of the act was extended for the third time, until 2021
Four private companies - United Group, Super Petrochemical, SA Corporation and TK Group - showed interest to store BPC's petroleum products in their facilities on a rental basis