Dhaka March 13, 2025, 8:17 am
California restaurants will soon stop providing plastic straws unless customers explicitly ask for them, under a new law signed on Thursday by the state’s environment-friendly governor.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will provide another $ 11 million
Mosquito larvae have been observed ingesting microplastics that can be passed up the food chain, researchers said Wednesday, potentially uncovering a new way that the polluting particles could damage the environment.
World’s largest burn and plastic surgery institute named after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is set to be inaugurated late next month here, Chief Coordinator of the Institute Dr Samanta Lal Sen told today.
The Thelle Mogoerane hospital in the eastern Johannesburg township of Vosloorus has been in the grip of the antibiotic resistant bacteria since July 11.
Cancer will kill nearly 10 million people this year, experts said Wednesday, warning the disease’s global burden continues to rise in spite of better prevention and earlier diagnosis.
The relation of manual labor with the non-invasive disease is intimate. Many of these disadvantages are dependent on adequate physical labor.
Health experts today urged the people not to be panicked over the current dengue outbreak rather put combined effort to check it in the city.
Teenagers who smoke and drink alcohol are causing visible damage to their arteries by the age of 17, a study has revealed.
Public Health England is urging people over 30 to take an online test to find out their heart age, which indicates if they are at increased risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.
Amid rise of Dengue fever in Dhaka city, Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) mayor Mohammad Sayeed Khokon said on Monday taht the situation is not out of hand.
বাংলাদেশের মাটিতে মাদক সেবন ও মাদক ব্যবসাকে শূন্যের কোটায় আনতে ইতোমধ্যে শুরু হয়েছে র্যাব-পুলিশ ও মাদক নিয়ন্ত্রণ অধিদপ্তরের মাদকবিরোধী অভিযান।
The study, presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2018 in Munich, Germany, involved nearly 4,000 healthy middle-aged adults who wore a waistband activity monitor for seven days to record sleep quality
The researchers at American Thoracic Society examined risk factors for developing asthma and COPD overlap syndrome, known as ACOS.
In the study, people treated to a top blood pressure reading of 120 instead of 140 were 19 percent less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment.
Researchers at the University of Waterloo used the large publicly available intensive care unit (ICU) database containing patient data between 2001 and 2012.
The usage of e-cigarettes containing nicotine has a significant impact on vascular functions, claims new study.
The Refugee Food Festival — a joint initiative of the United Nations Refugee Agency and a French nonprofit, Food Sweet Food — started in Paris in 2016 and came to the U.S. for the first time this year, with restaurants in New
published in the journal Genes and Development, suggests that an analysis of gene activity in human SCLC tumours reveals an unexpected activity pattern in around 20 per cent of samples.
Children in the waitlist group were monitored but received no active intervention though after completion of the study, they were offered PCIT-ED treatment.