Dhaka March 14, 2025, 7:09 pm
The regulator has given Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) after all necessary examinations by the technical committee
Vaccines to be procured at any cost
Bangladesh on Tuesday surpassed the 9 lakh- mark in the confirmed cases of coronavirus
Newer studies have indicated that further spacing out the vaccine doses, or allowing people to get a 'third' dose at least 10 months after the second dose will lead to an enhanced immune response
"I want to give you a good news . . . we're likely to get a large quantity of COVID-19 vaccines in the first week of next month," he said
The government wants to rely more on vaccines instead of lockdown to stem the pandemic
Covax has written to the government, saying the shots will be sent as part of its commitment
A formal meal plan including wages which provide means of buying nutritious food and storing homemade food safely can significantly improve workers' morale; reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity
The number of daily cases is likely to cross 10,000-mark in mid-July, putting a serious pressure on the country’s healthcare system
The WHO identified the levels of risk based on a one-week (14-20 June) sample test and patient identification rate
Among the latest day's victims, 55 were men, and 26 were women
Among the latest day's victims, 55 were men, and 30 were women
Among the latest day's victims, 42 were men, and 34 were women
A total of 3,220 people took part in the survey, which took place in three Dhaka slums and two Chattogram slums between October 2020 and February 2021
The Korean Government, through KOICA, has established the Bangladesh-Korea Friendship Hospital in 1998 and handed over to the Bangladesh Government in 2008
Among the latest day's victims, 56 were men, and 22 were women
Bangladesh, meanwhile, saw a significant rise in the number of Covid-19 positive cases in Rohingya camps in April and May last
Among the latest day's victims, 34 were men, and 33 were women. Of the victims, 65 died in different hospitals across the country while three died at home.
For now, those who have already registered will be inoculated with the Sinopharm doses gifted by China
The resolution strongly appeals for timely, affordable and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all people in all countries for the revitalization of the global economy and the world of work