Dhaka February 24, 2025, 8:31 am
Resurgence of Covid-19 cited as reason
Bangladesh Bank (BB) increased its gold holding to 13.5 tonnes from 3.5 tonnes earlier to minimise foreign currency valuation losses caused by the volatility in the global foreign exchange market
Around 300 senior government officials, project directors, and ADB staff participated in the first such review meeting in 2021
The Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of IMED, Ministry of Planning, has been implementing DIMAPPP since July 1, 2017 with support from the World Bank
The project will help increase the incomes of 170,000 poor people who are vulnerable to climate change. Half of the beneficiaries will be women
The rising trend of agent banking amidst the Covid-19 pandemic signifies the huge opportunity to bring the rural unbanked people under the umbrella of formal banking services
Following a market-driven approach, the project will help build a more hygienic model, offset pit latrines for safe sanitation; and large and small piped water schemes for clean water
Senior bankers predicted further fall in interest rates on fresh deposits in the coming months if the upward trend of excess liquidity in the banking system continues
Mr. Mahmood joined NRB Bank Limited as Additional Managing Director in 2019
The revisions will not, however, prevent the BB from pursuing the ongoing expansionary monetary policy until June next
Bangladesh has all the potentials to fulfill the criteria of becoming a member of the NDB
The project will be implemented in four districts: Jashore, Jhenaidah, Magura, and Chuadanga
The central bank launched the scheme on July 27 this year to facilitate the collateral loans for the country’s small-scale entrepreneurs under CMS category to offset the effects of Covid-19 in their businesses
The governor in a virtual meeting with the Managing Directors and Chief Executive Officers of scheduled banks asked for exhausting all stimulus packages by March 31, to help revive the economy from loss caused by pandemic
The authorised dealers (ADs) have been advised to release up to 5,000 in the form of USD notes and remainder in other convertible currencies within the prescribed limit
The foreign-owned service companies can now avail short-term loans as working capital from their parent companies and shareholders for emergency business needs
Healthy oceans are critical to life across Asia and the Pacific, providing food security and climate resilience for hundreds of millions of people
The circular said banks would charge clients the whole amount (9%) if they did not repay loans and interests within the stipulated time
Number of agents up by 16pc, outlets 13pc despite pandemic
In its new Global Economic Outlook, the World Bank forecast 4% growth this year following a 4.3% decline in 2020, the biggest plunge in global output since a contraction of 9.8% in 1945 as nations demobilized at the end of Wo