Dhaka March 15, 2025, 7:47 am
The Prime Minister, who is also the BEZA Governing Council chairperson, asked the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) to strictly maintain the environmental issues while establishing industries in the country's economi
Bangladesh Economic Association has recommended a Tk 12 trillion budget for the coming fiscal year.
A summary of the report available on the website of the UK parliament
New currency notes for Tk 10, 20, 50 and Taka 100 in the market
Bangladesh’s rice output from the summer crop is likely to hit 19.7 million tonnes, exceeding the target of 19 million tonnes, as farmers raised acreage to cash in on higher prices.
The major cause behind this unsavoury development is, as usual, the decline in outflow of Bangladeshi workers to the Gulf countries, mainly to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Sources at the local customs office said that the import figure for the fiscal year of 2017-18 for 10 months was 1.44 million metric tonnes, significantly more than last year when it was 1.06 million metric tonnes.
The putting up of all types of barriers has led to a very slow growth of Bangladesh's exports to other members of the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the study noted.
The state-run Sonali Bank has decided to inject Tk 1.65 billion as equity into scam-hit Farmers Bank Ltd.
Bangladesh is developing 100 SEZs at the initiative of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Besides, 24 power plants with capacity of 5,421 MW are under tender process
App to facilitate large taxpayers to get tax related services easily and properly
The government had earlier decided to issue such a bond pursuant to rule-4 of the Public Debt Rules of 1946.
Of the overall estimated cost, Tk 526.85 billion will come from government funds, while Tk 432.21 billion as project assistance and Tk 3.26 billion from the own funds of the organisations concerned. Among the 16 approved proj
Tax, VAT on Software and IT/ITES products and services, issuing tax exemption certificate from NBR came up for discussion
The IFC is considering an investment in IDCOL to support the company's provision of mortgage loans to the lower middle-income segment in Bangladesh. IFC's proposed investment will consist of a loan of up to US$ 40 million equ
The Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) under the PC has taken the move to control misuse of public funds, ensuring transparency and accountability in execution of development project
Such device will be interconnected with the server of the Value Added Tax (VAT) so that the VAT authorities can track each of the transaction of the EFD-installed businesses
The budget to spend on its development and non-development expenditures for the fiscal year 2018-19
Large Taxpayers' Unit (LTU) under the Value Added Tax (VAT) wing recently wrote to the managing directors of 17 large commercial banks to scrutinise their VAT collection from overseas payment of advertisement bills on Faceboo