Dhaka March 15, 2025, 2:43 pm
The DMP sought all out cooperation from all to maintain discipline in movement and avoid traffic jam during the National Mourning Day programmes
Bangladesh raised fuel prices by around 50 percent on August 6, a move that will trim the country's subsidy burden
The minister made the observation at a meeting with journalists in his office at the Ministry of Finance
Petrobangla is also hopeful of new prospects in Sylhet and Chattogram zone
The feared fallouts are reverting poverty rate, education dropout and malnutrition
The increase in fare of buses and minibuses came following soaring fuel price coming into effect since Friday midnight
Prices of the fuels refined by Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) and Eastern Refinery Limited (ERL) are adjusted with the international market
দ্য ফিনান্স টুডে ডট নেট অনলাইন ফিনান্সিয়াল নিউজ পোর্টালে ০১ আগস্ট ২০২২-এ প্রকাশিত ‘বীমাখাতে দুর্নীতির কালো বিড়াল... প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফে পরিচালনা
Kamal said the rise of inflation in the country is due to the increase in the prices of goods in the international market
The defense ministry did not provide details about what the targeted military operations would include, or if they were separate from the exercises announced by Eastern Theatre Command
Indian Researcher and Analyst John Rozario came up with this observation in an article with headline ‘Why Bangladesh won't face a Sri Lanka-style crisis,’ published in the Bangkok Post’s Asia Focus section on Monday
All organisational units from centre to grassroots have been asked to observe the programme with due respect maintaining health guidelines and wearing facemask properly in view of Covid-19
পুঁজিবাজার তালিকাভুক্ত প্রগ্রেসিভ লাইফ ইনসিওরেন্স কোম্পানীতে চলছে লুটপাটের মহারাজত্ব। কোম্পানির বর্তমান চেয়ারম্যান নাসির আলী শাহ, পরিচালক এম এ করিম এবং মনোনীত পরিচালক নাজিম তাজিক চৌধুরী
The article put down the country's development success to three factors – literacy, electricity and fertility – all tests that Bangladesh passes.
Bangladesh brought in the funds for development projects, which is 26 percent more than the preceding fiscal year
The dollar returned to Tk 108 on Wednesday, falling from a peak of Tk 112 a day earlier
Bangladesh is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the Asia-Pacific region with continued developments across key sectors of the economy and significant improvements in reducing poverty levels, which are now down
পদ্মা সেতু চালু হওয়ার পরে ঢাকার সঙ্গে দেশের দক্ষিন পশ্চিমাঞ্চলের একুশ'টি জেলার সরাসরি সড়ক যোগাযোগ চালু হওয়ার ফলে এ অঞ্চলের যোগাযোগ ব্যবস্থার
Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the country is moving ahead with various mega projects, including Padma Multipurpose Bridge, Bangabandhu Satellite, Metrorail, Karnaphuli Tunnel, Dohazari-Ramu r
The edible oil price would reduce more as the international market is witnessing a gradual price fall and added that Taka 500 to Taka 600 would cut for every 37.32 liters of oil within a week after importing the essential com