Dhaka March 13, 2025, 1:46 am
Two ships have been granted permission to travel
Apart from the beach, tourists flock to the city's Burmese market, Himachari, Inani, Patuatek, and other tourist attractions
Tourism is recognised as the most labour-intensive and largest industry in the world
Despite earning a huge amount of revenue from Cox’s Bazar beach, the government seems to be reluctant to take adequate measures from protecting tourists from drowning
These are part of our heritage that must be protected and preserved
Owners of hotels-motels, ice mills and fish traders said they are incurring huge losses due to incessant power cuts
It has been imposed as per a letter received from Bandarban cantonment on Saturday to patrol against the rising presence of militants and criminals and also to increase detective activity
Bangladesh tourists are most welcome to Brunei
The development of the sector is being hindered due to visa complications, a tendency to charge excessive prices from tourists, an underdeveloped communication system, insecurity and harassment of the visitors and social cons
Marking World Tourism Day, the event, sponsored by Bashundhara Group, will continue till October 3
The Forest Department had barred visitors from entering the Sundarbans from June 1 to August 31 as these three months are considered the breeding season of fish and animals
Many people along with their family members and relatives came to visit the largest structure of the country from different parts of the country which has become the symbol of the nation’s dignity and ability
State Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism M Mahbub Ali placed the Bill and it was sent passed by voice vote
At least 6 goals of the SDGs are directly and the rest are indirectly related to tourism. Therefore, if tourism is not flourished, the achievement of sustainable development goals by 2030 will be hampered
State Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism Md Mahbub Ali tabled the Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2022 on Monday
The reserved area would have separate dressing rooms and locker rooms for female tourists
Hotel and motel owners, however, stressed the need for increasing the facilities for tourists as 70 percent of the rooms at these hotels and motels have already been booked
The jetty in Saint Martin's sustained severe structural damage due to Cyclone Yaas that made landfall in Bangladesh and eastern India in May this year
For attracting both globetrotters and local holidaymakers Bangladesh government has taken up a master plan centering the most frequented tourist spot in the country, Cox’s Bazar. The multiphase plan aims to redesign the regio
The Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand is expected to share the information detailing the new arrangement