Dhaka February 24, 2025, 12:24 am
As per the proposal placed by the Science and Technology Ministry, Rostekhnadzor, the Russian Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, will work as consultant for 11 years at a cost of Tk 13.54
The Bangladesh Bank (BB) expressed concern over the recent trend of 'illogical' rise in lending rates.
WB helping Bangladesh to expand solar- powered electricity in remote and rural areas
Indian state-owned Numaligor Refinery Limited (NRL) will supply the petroleum
NFA of a country is the value of the assets that the country owns abroad, minus the value of the domestic assets owned by foreigners. The NFA position of a country reflects the indebtedness of that country
A whole range of issues like problems, prospects and scope in the projects will be discussed in the meeting
A private individual will be entitled to certain amount of money as pension every month under the system that will be contributory in nature
ATV is a VAT determined at the business or non-production stage. VAT officials collect the ATV at the time of import of products or services.
Desh Energy Limited, United Enterprises and Co Limited are setting up 400 MW plant
The approval came at the weekly ECNEC meeting held at the NEC conf room
An effective technical and vocational education and training system can play an important role in helping Bangladesh meet many of the social and economic challenges it faces
The draft of the new law has been framed without any major change in the previous ordinance except the amendment to the provisions of punishment. This new act will replace the Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institution Ordin
10-member body is asked to prepare the guideline on venture capital and investment within the next six weeks. The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has issued a gazette notification, dated May 24, 2018, elaborating the Terms of Refer
A total of 3780 RMG industries started renovation activities with the association of ILO
The Prime Minister, who is also the BEZA Governing Council chairperson, asked the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) to strictly maintain the environmental issues while establishing industries in the country's economi
Bangladesh Economic Association has recommended a Tk 12 trillion budget for the coming fiscal year.
A summary of the report available on the website of the UK parliament
New currency notes for Tk 10, 20, 50 and Taka 100 in the market
Bangladesh’s rice output from the summer crop is likely to hit 19.7 million tonnes, exceeding the target of 19 million tonnes, as farmers raised acreage to cash in on higher prices.
The major cause behind this unsavoury development is, as usual, the decline in outflow of Bangladeshi workers to the Gulf countries, mainly to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)