Dhaka March 13, 2025, 2:37 am
Of Tk 179.52 billion loans disbursed in the ten months, Tk 96.59 billion came from private commercial banks while the remaining Tk 82.93 billion was disbursed by the state-owned banks
Each maunds of the paddy variety is being sold at Tk 800 to Tk 900. Prices will increase further when the rice mill owners will start their activities on a large scale.
Bangladesh’s rice output from the summer crop is likely to hit 19.7 million tonnes, exceeding the target of 19 million tonnes, as farmers raised acreage to cash in on higher prices.
Ban aiming to preserve and ensure smooth breeding of sea fish and crustacean
The press conference was moderated by Mustafa Kamal Akand of COAST Trust
The Government of Bangladesh has, therefore, identified introduction of a dependable e-traceability system for the shrimp sector in Bangladesh as an important priority so that the origin of the shrimp produced in Bangladesh c
Chapainawabganj has history of Khirsapat mango cultivation and the basis of it could be found in the local folk music 'Alkap Gan' dated back to 1955. Besides, the Bangladesh District Gazetteer also mentioned mango orchards in
Advent of scalable technologies such as block chains and smart contracts need to be embraced to link value chain financing for smallholders with value chain risk management as agriculture and financial services move into the
Govt rolled out a USD 2.48 million project which will involve up to 10,000 farmers and 55 farmer organisations (FOs) in developing their capacity to establish market linkage and accessing finance among other things
In Bangladesh improper weeding causes yield loss that range in between 40 to 50 percent in rice, 24 to 58 percent in wheat, almost 49 percent in maize, 43 percent in potato, 20 percent in sugarcane, 75-80 percent in jute, nin
Areas would be located in 3 tributaries of the Meghna River from Hijla to Mehendiganj in Barisal
The DAE has set a target to achieve 1,90,41,000 tonnes of boro output from the targeted plantation of 47,25,000 hectares
Decision was taken to prevent the artificially ripening of immature mango through mixing harmful chemicals
To attain the export target of $1.0 billion by the year 2021 form agro sector
Farmers have cultivated the mango on 2,500 hectares of land this season
Every 100 litchi fruits are being sold at Taka 300 to 350 based on quality and size
The WDB, using loudspeakers, started making the announcement asking the farmers to harvest their paddy as early as they can
Fungal disease blast has turned into an epidemic in different upazilas of Netrokona
In Bangladesh, where arsenic in well water has been a known health hazard for decades
Matia said the research to include the quality of the local balam rice variety into the HYV rice variety