Dhaka March 13, 2025, 2:25 am
Food Minister Md Qamrul Islam said that the government would buy rice and paddy between May 2 and Aug 31 this year
The government has built embankments in the north-eastern haor areas to protect crops from untimely flood this year
Disbursement of farm loan by the scheduled banks achieved 71.18 per cent of the total target in the eight months to February last as banks strengthened disbursement drives. Bangladesh Bank (BB) is now taking special care of f
Lower prices and unsold produce at warehouses, however, caused Tk 125.15 billion losses to the farmers and cold storage owners last year
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, MP, has called for marketing of formalin-free mangoes
Bangladesh has attained self-sufficiency in food production as the government is resolute to develop the agriculture sector
The power supply was disrupted for several hours as tree branches fell on the electric lines
It will import 500,000 mt of MOP and 400,000 DAP fertilisers under the G-to-G contracts
The most active corn contract for May delivery fell 5.5 cents weekly, or 1.44 percent, to 3.7725 dollars per bushel
Around 130 exhibitors from China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Russia and Vietnam will be showcasing items such as packaging materials, processed and frozen food, organic agricultural products, agricultura
The farmland is reducing alarmingly in the country as a section of people is causing sufferings to the country’s farmers by grabbing their land
Mango, a leading seasonal cash crop of the northwestern region, dominates the economy in Rajshahi and Chapainawabganj districts
Many farmers are losing their interest to cultivate raw jute. If the government procures the crops, as it procures rice and paddy from the farmers, the jute growers will get fair price for their produce and get the motivation
The farmers have finally planted Boro rice seedling in 5.08-lakh hectares of land, 8,686 hectares or 1.74 percent higher than the fixed target of bringing over 4.99-lakh hectares of land under Boro farming, this season in all
Agriculture employs more than half of India's 1.3 people but has seen earnings dwindle over the years and now only adds 15 percent to India's economy.
The government is set to finalise the national agriculture policy 2018 soon with a view to making it time befitting complying with the contemporary world
Proposed National Agriculture Policy 2018 elaborated ways and means to augment farm production in the country to meet the growing needs of an increasing population