Dhaka March 13, 2025, 1:59 pm
Vegetable farmers have been incurring big losses for weeks due to supply chain disruptions and a poor demand following the countrywide lockdown.
As there was no monitoring by the local agro officials, the farmers grew seeds which do not match with the local climate
Hundreds of dairy farmers in Satkhira are counting huge losses as they have to dump over 50,000 liters of milk every day for lack of demand at every level amid the virtual lockdown in the country after the coronavirus breakou
Appreciating the government's move to provide Tk 50 billion loan to farmers at low interest rate, experts put emphasis on its proper distribution.
Public representatives and officials of the 16 districts of two divisions attending in the conference
The latest order means all taxes have been waived from the burgeoning sectors
The ordinance was issued during the military regime in February 1984
Experts for imposing restrictions on import of the cooking ingredient
BCIC is getting financially weaker
The Aman procurement drive was successful as the government achieved almost its target for the season
Abdul Karim's eyes sparkle with joy when he stares at his salt flats shining white under the sun. But his joy soon begins to fade when he thinks of selling the fruit of his labor.
By importing extra salt with the tax relief, importers have created an unequal competition with domestic salt refiners
In an utter violation of the law, the extraction of topsoil from arable land for brick kilns is going on unabated in Dharampasha Upazila, destroying the land fertility
Disbursement of agriculture loan rose to Tk 131.04 billion in the July-January period of FY'20 from Tk 121.01 billion in the same period of the previous fiscal
Tulip, the spring-blooming ornamental flower famous for its dazzling beauty that usually grows in colder countries, is now laregly being cultivated commercially in Gazipur.
State Minister for Fisheries and Livestock M Ashraf Ali Khan Khosru on Monday informed parliament that 64 species of fresh water fish in the country face extinction.
Two cold waves in 45 days, accompanied by rain and fog, swept over the district this winter and in its wake left the farmers to struggle with late blight disease of potatoes.
Having failed to manage a job after after his graduation, Liakat Ali tried his luck in flower business and it blossomed.
Foggy weather condition, low prices of paddy blamed
These will be imported from countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Belarus, and Canada between 2020 and 2025