Dhaka March 13, 2025, 11:19 am
The joint statement at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow was backed by the leaders of countries including Brazil, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which collectively account for 85 percent of the world's fores
India is the last of the world's major carbon polluters to announce a net-zero target, with China saying it would reach that goal in 2060, and the US and the EU aiming for 2050
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is the incumbent chair of the CVF which unites developing nations from Africa, Asia and Latin America while the grouping wants countries to ramp up their plans for emission cuts at every annual UN
Unicef will be at COP26 to ensure that the climate crisis is recognized as a crisis for children and their rights, to promote approaches to decrease climate risk for those who are most vulnerable
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), between $6 trillion and $10 trillion needs to be invested over the next decade to green our economies
To face the adverse impact of climate change, Razzaque said the government has taken huge programmes including climate change strategic plan, formulating of action plan and also the formation of climate change trust fund wort
Bangladesh has passed all the stages of implementation of the Montreal Protocol in a timely manner and is complying with the obligations of the Protocol
Momen stressed on the role of the academia, the researchers, the students in creating the platform to address the challenges of climate change in a fast and efficient way
He made this request when he met the Head of IMF and the Dutch Ministers in separate bilateral meetings on the side lines of the meeting of the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on Monday
Prof. Ainun has signed a petition launched by 14-year-old Aruba Faruque, a student of Noakhali Govt. Girls’ High School, who has been termed as the “Greta Thunberg of Bangladesh” by The Sustainable Hour, a radio station based
The State Minister was addressing a youth climate dialogue titled "Bangladesh-UK Youth Voices on Climate Action: The Road to Glasgow"
The extension is aimed to deliver adaptation benefit to the most vulnerable coastal people of Bangladesh, one of the climate vulnerable counties of the world
Strawberry Moon marks the last full moon of the spring season and the first of the summer season
বাংলাদেশের ছোট্ট একটি জেলা মেহেরপুর। স্বাধীনতার ঐতিহ্য বহনকারী স্থান মুজিবনগর। মেহেরপুর জেলা শহরে বাস করেন নিলুফার ইয়াসমিন রুপা,কাজ করছেন জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন ও পরিবেশ বিপর্যয় নিয়ে।
পরিবেশবাদী সংগঠন সবুজ আন্দোলন নারী পরিষদের কেন্দ্রীয় সদস্য সচিব দীনা আমিন। তিনি জন্মগ্রহণ করেছেন নারায়ণগঞ্জ জেলা শহরের প্রাণকেন্দ্র ভূঁইয়া পাড়ায়।
Climate-boosted extreme weather events like cyclones, droughts, flooding; have already sapped both short- and long-term economic growth
USAID launched a $17 million five-year, flagship clean project to improve access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy systems and promote transparent and efficient energy markets in Bangladesh
An outlook for the next 72 hours forecasted by BMD however shows a possible decrease in rain/thunder showers
They blame deforestation, worsening air pollution and global warming, climate variability, and the growing use of mobile and other technological devices for the increase in the frequency of lightning strikes
The review recommends that climate change and environment should be the leading strategic priorities in the forthcoming five-year country partnership strategy for Bangladesh