Dhaka March 14, 2025, 3:01 pm
Sanofi is working on two vaccine projects to prevent Covid-19 - the illness caused by the new coronavirus - and said it is exploring several manufacturing options
CSO leaders At present, continuous flow of information through mobile and internet communication is crucial to save the lives of Rohingya people (especially women, the elderly), doctors, nurses, health workers, public and non
The committees should not turn into a platform of political supremacy and irregularities
The amount is being used to hinder the spread of the disease by providing care for affected
The government decided to suspend domestic air connection in the country from March 25 till further notice
The organisation highlighted the challenges to food security in rural and urban areas differ
The Marico Bangladesh has donated Tk50 lakh as a way of supporting the government’s move
Production at all factories in the EPZs will remain halted during the period
Offers pre-budget proposals to offset virus impacts
Beacon pharmaceuticals will hand over the drug to the Directorate General of Drug Administration on Sunday
Four countries have already sent demand letters to Bangladesh for sourcing high-quality PPE
Brac will reach out to the families with support from the local public representatives so that the aid coverage remains effective
The service was named as 'Crack Platoon Transport Service' inspired by the famous guerrilla unit named 'Crack Platoon' that had conducted a number of heroic commando operations in Dhaka during the War of Liberation in 1971
The company claims to be first in Bangladesh to come forward to produce essential medical equipment like ventilators, PAPRs, and oxygen concentrators
Banks will remain open in limited scale from tomorrow (Sunday) to facilitate the financial transaction for their clients though the government has declared general holidays from March 29 to April 2.
Anybody can go to their site (https://coronachecker.dh.health/) and give his or her present basic health information and get an assessment of whether one is at risk of infection by the virus or not
Online meetings will be accepted as valid
PPEs have also been given to the Home Ministry while the Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and the BIPPA will also provide a total of 50,000 PPEs and 50,000 kits to the health ministry
If policy rate is reduced, commercial banks will get low-cost funds and lend it to affected enterprises at cheaper rate, Dr Fahmida Khatun
And it may terminate around 25 million jobs worldwide