Dhaka March 17, 2025, 3:50 am
The government plans to introduce a system of fixing fair rawhide prices for every Eid-ul-Azha to satisfy both owners of sacrificial animals and traders
The state-run agency suffers the financial loss as it often sells essential commodities at subsidised rates to keep their prices stable
As part of restricting sales of national saving certificates, the government is currently making a database of the buyers of the tools
The circular allowed loan defaulters to reschedule their loans with a repayment period for 10 years and get further loans
FRC upbeat about positive impact on financial market
Non-performing loans (NPLs) in the industrial sector rose to Tk 572.01 billion in FY'19 from Tk 384.99 billion in the previous fiscal
nergy advisor of the Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) Prof M Shamsul Alam opined that if corruption is checked and illogical costs are cut, the BPDB will not require a hike in power tariff at the bulk level
Planning Minister MA Mannan said out of total project cost, Tk 14.76 billion will come from the state exchequer while the rest of Tk 31.61 billion from project assistance
The 45-page report reviewed the current status of the bond market, pointed out the barriers to developing a vibrant bond market and spelled out a number of recommendations to make the market effective and functional
NBR officials said there was an instruction from the government high-ups to reduce the source tax for exporters after sluggish growth in export income
According to PDB’s latest annual report, the oil-run power plants account for 25 percent of the total power demand. PDB sells electricity at discounted rates, which means the government meets the deficit with a subsidy
Both sides agreed on the importance of a regular sectoral policy dialogue to accompany long-term reforms and to reinforce the EU-Bangladesh partnership for development cooperation in particular in the areas of Climate Change,
Petrobangla might terminate the ongoing talks with the firm if it does not respond to the offer of a final deal for the same
The government has taken up a project titled ‘National Single Window’ to be implemented by the National Board of Revenue to facilitate faster trade
Sheikh Hasina asked the BEZA to take into consideration the housing of the workers as well as the issues of both industrial and IT sector waste management and the environment there
Semi-skilled and high-skilled foreigners are drawing more than $6 billion in salaries from Bangladesh every year
In terms of the GDP size, Vietnam is somewhat equal to Bangladesh but the country's export volume is over $200 billion comparing our $40 billion, Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi said. "Vietnam has so far signed 26 FTAs with dif
The revenue board has slashed taxes at the request of industry insiders to make the prices of these products affordable in the local market
(Electricity) the export will make sense only if production costs, including financial charges, are lower than that of India
China's economic growth sank to a new multi-decade low in the latest quarter as a trade war with the U.S. deepened a slump that is weighing on the global economy.