Dhaka March 13, 2025, 11:09 am
He made the remarks when Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen met him in FAO HQs in Rome recently
In the daytime power cuts already crossed 2,600 MW and it is apprehended that the outage may go up to 3,500 MW in the evening peak
Due to the shutdown of the 2nd unit of Payra power plant, the country’s load shedding increased to 2675 MW at 12 noon on Monday which was 2287 MW on Sunday
This is the 5th consecutive budget of incumbent Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal
The upcoming budget will also look to meet the International Money Fund (IMF) loan conditions and address the pre-election demands with austerity
Spokesperson at the US Department of State Matthew Miller told reporters at a regular briefing on Thursday
Under this policy, the United States will be able to restrict the issuance of visas for any Bangladeshi individual, believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic election process in Bangladesh
Bommel told a press conference at Jatiya press club here today. To gather global public opinion in favor of Bangladeshi Genocide, the conference is being arranged at Dhaka University campus, organizers said in the conference
A visa team sent by the Romanian government to Bangladesh to issue visas to its workers has left the country last month with no ministry ready to disclose the actual reasons for their departure
It reflects Bangladesh’s commitment to improve health and well-being of its citizens and to contributing to global health equity
The soon-to-be-released BRICS currency could have the power to eliminate the dollar’s dominance internationally
Streets in Sittwe were turned into rivers as the biggest storm to hit the Bay of Bengal in more than a decade surged through the seaside town
The prime minister said this while inaugurating the five-day long 60th Convention of Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) at the IEB Headquarters with the theme “Innovative Engineering in the 4th Industrial Revolution”
The IOR has emerged as a microcosm of partnerships, collaborations, bilateral and multilateral dependence
The forex reserve was $29.78 billion on Tuesday
For many years, advanced developing countries have expressed their disappointments over the hegemony of dollar. They also alleged that dependency on the US currency has compelled the other countries to bear the cost of sudden
UK premier said his two daughters and wife are big fan of her (Sheikh Hasina) as he wished his daughters to be great leader like Sheikh Hasina since he took office in October last
Regardless of the overall positive trend, a more detailed inspection of single month statistics reveals a recent decline in apparel export growth
শেখ হাসিনা-ম্যাজিকেই গত এক যুগে বদলে গেছে বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি। দারিদ্র্য বিমোচন, অর্থনৈতিক প্রবৃদ্ধি, মাথাপিছু আয়, নারীর ক্ষমতায়ন, গড় আয়ু বৃদ্ধি, শিশু ও মাতৃমৃত্যু হ্রাসসহ বেশ কিছু সামাজিক সূচকে বাংলাদেশের অগ্রগতি বিশ্ব ন
A default - which would be the first in US history - could upend global financial markets and shatter trust in the US as a global business partner